Why Women Need to Strength Train

First of all, I must start by saying that there is NO ONE WAY to be “strong”. You certainly don’t need to “look strong” to be strong. There are many different ways to define strength. But in this particular post, I’ll be addressing why

building physical strength is necessary for good health.

ESPECIALLY for women.

We must be careful, however, to not overdo it. We need to learn how to move our bodies in a way that feels good, and is not adding to our stress load in a negative way. First, let’s get into the types of strength training you can do and what some of the benefits are.


What comes to your mind when I say strength Training? Lifting weights? Crossfit? Bodybuilding?

While you’re not wrong, it is a misconception that you must be lifting heavy weights (which is actually super fun, by the way) in order to build strength. Here are a few other ways to do build strength without any weights. See links for more info on each.



  • Increased energy

  • Mobility

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Enhanced mood

  • Better sleep

  • Improved metabolism

  • Life longevity

  • Bone density

  • Better posture

  • Decreased chance of chronic health conditions

These are just some of the many benefits that strength training has on our health. While they are all extremely important, one of the main concerns for women as we age is decreased bone density, osteopenia, or osteoporosis. One of the myths about this is that the only solution is to eat more calcium (or take supplements). But you must also put a load on the bones in order to signal them to build more bone mass. Calcium alone can actually create more problems, not fix them. Not to mention,

muscle mass is the number one predictor of life longevity!

Photo by Gesina Kunkel www.happyveganfit.de

Photo by Gesina Kunkel www.happyveganfit.de

If that’s not the “motivation” we need to get moving, I don’t know what is. (And contrary to popular belief, doing strictly cardio all day errday isn’t building that muscle mass.) Movement shouldn’t be about how you look, but how you feel. Although you might not feel great in the moment, your body will definitely thank you later by sleeping better, having more energy, and being healthier all around.

I know, I know. Making exercise a regular part of your routine is MUCH easier said than done. We are short on time, money, and energy. Not everyone enjoys going to the gym, and you don’t have to! You can move in any way that you enjoy. For example: dancing, walking, swimming, biking, hiking, and playing with your kids are all great ways to get your body moving.

In fact, the most important part of creating a sustainable exercise routine is that you enjoy it.

You can force yourself to do something you hate for a few weeks or months, but chances are you would eventually stop because it doesn’t bring you joy. So it’s important that you’re including some sort of strength training that you enjoy, however that looks for you.

If you’re the type of person who likes having a set schedule with specific workouts to do on each day, I have a little something for you.

I’ve offered many free workouts on the blog, which you are OF COURSE welcome to use anytime. But for more structure and accountability, you may want to consider joining my group program: Fit From Home!

What is Fit From Home?

Essentially: A 30 day home workout program requiring little to no equipment. I created Fit From Home to help you get into an exercise routine that works for you. You're busy, right? So you need workouts that you can do in half an hour during your lunch break, or at home while your kids are napping. You don't have fancy gym equipment, and nowhere to store any. But you don't need any of that to get your body moving in a loving way. All you need is yourself and 30 minutes of your day. And maybe the occasional chair or resistance band (optional).


There are workouts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Some may include exercises with a resistance band (I got mine for only $9 HERE). But if you don't have one, I give substitutions for what you can do instead.

On the other days, there is nothing intense planned, just a list of options that you can choose from to stay moving, but also let your body rest. You have choices, because this is all about what works for you and makes you feel great!

I've designed this program to be done in a group setting so that you and the other women going through it can support and encourage each other. I’d love for you to join our private Facebook group if you do sign up! If you’d rather just have the program and do it on your own, that’s cool, too. No pressure!

Lastly, if you think you’d thrive more with one on one coaching, I do that, too! I would love nothing more than to work with you on reaching your specific goals in a healthy, loving way. No guilt, shame, or lectures, just practical ideas for how to create healthy habits that are sustainable for the long haul.


  • 30 day home workout program requiring no equipment

  • Three 30 minute workouts per week with videos

  • Resources for active recovery workouts on off days

  • Access to the Fit from Home private Facebook group

  • Unlimited email access

And, most importantly:

  • The increased confidence that comes from investing in yourself!


Only $29! And you get to keep it forever :)


ANYTIME! I do group launches occasionally if you’re looking for that group atmosphere, but you can start it whenever you want and go at your own pace.


Go HERE and use code STAYATHOME for $10 off until April 1st! Teachers, it’s free for you so send me an email at lexie@wellfromwithin.co for the code!


If you are at all interested, but not ready to commit, get a FREE WEEK HERE and decide if it’s the right fit for you.

Now that you know that strength training is more than just throwing barbells around, I hope you’ll find some way that you can build strength so you can reap all the wonderful benefits it brings. I’m proud of you for taking the time to invest in yourself today and everyday. You are worth it.

I hope you’ll consider being a part of this community of incredible women. Email lexie@wellfromwithin.co with any questions!

Lexie Gray