How to Dance Through the Drowning

These are the days.

The days of dreaming. Dancing. Drowning.


Because these things don’t have to be at odds with one another.

I realized this as I danced around my living room, singing Spirit Lead Me in an empty house. It was just Jesus, me, & Kota when I feel like I learned this beautiful truth.

Many days I feel like I’m drowning. Don’t get me wrong, this season of life is wonderful and joyful. But I work A LOT. Weeknights, weekends, vacations (exhibit A me working in Hawaii). On a variety of projects, businesses, and even totally different jobs (like teaching & nutrition &… renovating?) And even when I’m not working, the thought of what I SHOULD be working on haunts me. I tell myself there’s “not enough time” to do all the things I want to do, so I always feel like I’m “not doing enough”.

Then there’s the dreaming. Dreaming of what our future will hold. What my career will look like when I have little ones. What our house will look like if/when we ever finish remodeling. So many good things to look forward to, even in the drowning.

And finally there’s the dancing. This is what keeps me in the moment. Keeps me grateful. Experiencing the dreaming & drowning all at once. If I hadn’t put down my phone and walked away from my computer to sing & dance & worship, I wouldn’t have had this sweet moment with Jesus.

Because the truth is, “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” Psalm 127:1.

None of my work matters unless I’m doing it for the kingdom. I’ve always “believed” this, but feel like I only really experienced it when I stopped to dance.

Friend, I don’t know what you’re going through. Chances are it’s something far more challenging than my work struggles, but I’d bet you anything that putting your phone down to dance with Jesus won’t hurt.

I haven’t felt the inspiration to write in months, and even now I’m not sure exactly WHY this is on my heart to share. But like the song says:

And even when it don’t make sense,

I’m gonna let your Spirit lead.

My prayer is that you can dance & dream, even in the drowning. Play this song and let the Spirit lead you in whatever you’re walking through.

You are loved and I’m here for you always.



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